On 13th September 2008, I am a Burmese prisoner”
One year ago, thousands of monks and Burmese citizens found the courage to rise and demonstrate peacefully against the cruelty of the regime in power. The march took place despite the memories of the bloody repression of 1988 (more than 3000 deaths).
Ever since, the situation has deteriorated: 867 additional citizens have been imprisoned, thus raising the number of political prisoners to 2025 according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners-Burma (AAPPB).
What can we do ?
We must respond to the call made Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Laureate, democratically elected in 1990, by mounting the international pressure and by using our own freedom to serve that of the Burmese people.
On 13th September 2008, Actions Birmanie and Amnesty International will commemorate «the Saffron Revolution » by inviting you to march in the name of one of last autumn's prisoners, from the Square of the barricades to the Square of the liberties, in Brussels (300 m distance).
How to participate ? Go to http://www.birmanie.net/04_inscription_en.php and sign up
Meeting on Saturday 13th September at 11h
Square of the Barricades in Brussels (MADOU tube station)
In yellow outfit, the colour of Aung San Suu Kyi's political party (flower, t-shirt, scarf...)
Let's come as many as possible,
especially since the event will be broadcasted to Burma :
Burmese shall know that they are not alone!
Action BirmanieAmnesty international
Thursday, September 4, 2008
ဘရပ္ဆဲမွာ လွဳပ္ရွားၾကမယ္။
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ယခင္ သတင္းမ်ား ဖတ္ရန္
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