Nominations for the Concentra Award 2008, sponsored by Avid.
The competition received 97 entries from VJs in 23 countries from around the world. These Concentra Award entries were also considered for a special breaking news prize for VJ news pieces that have been shot, edited and broadcast within 24 hours.
Afghan Heroin Addicts -- Claire Billet -- France 24, France
Crisis in Darfour Expands -- Travis Fox -- The Washington Post, USA
Demonstration Supporters of KSK Beveren -- Stavros Van Halewijck, Belgium -- TV Oost
Foot Patrol Taliban -- Raul Gallego Abellan -- Associated Press USA
Morning Tears -- Miranda Gijsen, Belgium -- TV Limburg
Myanmar Crackdown - Tony Birtley UK -- Al Jazeera International
The Nightwatch -- Idar Eduin Krogstad Norway -- NRK
Aljazeera International's Tony Birtley won the additional prize for the best breaking news item for his coverage of the mass popular uprising and subsequent crackdown in Myanmar last September.
Rest of your post
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
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ယခင္ သတင္းမ်ား ဖတ္ရန္
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- No title
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