New York, Sep 4 2008 10:10AM
United Nations Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari has briefed the President of the General Assembly on his recent visit to Myanmar, during which he held talks with Government officials on issues such as national reconciliation and how to help the South-East Asian nation tackle its socio-economic challenges.
According to a statement issued after yesterday's meeting, Assembly President Srgjan Kerim reiterated the 192-member body's continued engagement "to promote national reconciliation, democracy and respect for human rights in Myanmar as mandated by the resolutions of the General Assembly."
The President also encouraged the Government of Myanmar "to continue to work closely with the Special Advisor to achieve concrete progress on the suggestions he put forward during his recent visit" – his fourth to the country over the past year.
Mr. Kerim stressed the need for continued engagement and strong commitment from all parties to continue the process of national reconciliation, pointing out that such engagement must be "serious and credible" with the aim of achieving concrete results.
The President reiterated his continuous support for Mr. Gambari's efforts on behalf of the Secretary-General, and also noted the important role played by neighbouring countries, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Group of Friends of Myanmar.
He "further encourages those countries to remain engaged in the political process," the statement added.
2008-09-04 00:00:00.000
Friday, September 5, 2008
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