Political Prisoner Dies in Mandalay Prison
Information Release။ Date: July 20 2008
AAPP has learned that political prisoner Khin Maung Tint (aka) Htate Tin Maung Maung Yar Pyae (aka) Yar Pyae, aged 46, died in Mandalay prison on July 18 2008. He was suffering from tuberculosis.
Ko Khin Maung Tint became the second political prisoner to die in prison in 2008, and the 137th political prisoner to die in prison since 1988.
We, the members of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), offer our condolences to the family of Ko Khin Maung Tint (aka) Ko Yar Pyae.
Brief Biography of Ko Khin Maung Tint:
Ko Khin Maung Tint (aka) Ko Yar Pyae started participating in pro-democracy activities at the time of the popular uprising in 1988. He continued his work after the military coup in 1988 by contacting the All Burma Student Democratic Front (North) (ABSDF-North), and collecting and sending information about political activities.
In around 1992, he joined the ABSDF (North). However, he was mistakenly accused by that group of being a government spy, and was detained and severely tortured. He eventually escaped from the ABSDF (North) and returned to Mandalay.
Ko Khin Maung Tint later resumed his political activities and tirelessly worked for human rights and democracy. He was arrested by military intelligence in 1998 and imprisoned for 20 years under Article 124 of the Penal Code (Sedition).
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)
Contact: Tate Naing (66) 81 287 8751
Bo Kyi (66) 81 324 8935
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ေတာက္..အာဇာနည္ တေယာက္ေၾကြသြားပါေပါ့. လူေဘာ္ေၾကာ့ၾကီးက အသက္ျပင္းေနတုန္း
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